同盟の終焉 The End of the Alliance
ディミトリ: ……死んだか。情報を得る機会を逸したな。
Dimitri: He's dead. There goes our chance to gain more information.
Then again, even if we had managed to capture him alive, judging by the way he was acting...
Choice 1: ひとまず勝利を喜ぼう For now, let's rejoice in our victory.
Choice 2: 後でゆっくり考えよう We can think about that later.
クロード: そうそう、先生の言うとおりだ。肩の力を抜いていこうぜ。
Claude: Teach is absolutely right. We should take this rare opportunity to let off some tension.
ディミトリ: クロード、久しぶりだな。……無事で何よりだ。
Dimitri: It's been a long time, Claude. I am glad to see that you're safe.
クロード: ああ、グロンダーズって名前の地獄で見えて以来だな、ディミトリ。
Claude: Same. I haven't seen you since the nightmare that was Gronder.
You really did come to help us... You must be a bunch of soft-hearted suckers, eh?
ディミトリ: そう思うのなら、最初から俺たち頼みの防衛戦などしないことだ。
Dimitri: If you really felt that way, you would not have set up a defensive battle in the hopes that we would come.
It worked out, only because we made it in time... Were you really so confident that we would answer the call?
クロード: そりゃそうさ。
Claude: Of course.
I knew you wouldn't hesitate to put yourself second and come running to our aid.
Choice 1: よくわかっている You konw him well.
Choice 2: お見通しか How insightful.
クロード: 得がなきゃ動かない俺とは違う。お前らは昔からそうだった。
Claude: You and I are cut from different cloth. I wouldn't make a move unless I could gain something from it. You've always been just the opposite.
And of course, I've always been fond of taking dangerous risks.
After all, I sent that express messenger before you had even recaptured the kingdom capital.
If all went to plan, I knew you'd recapture it soon, and then respond to our request for aid.
It was riskier than usual, I'll give you that. But it was the only card I had to play, so I took the gamble.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、まったくだ。お前は危ない橋を渡り過ぎる。
Dimitri: You cross too many dangerous bridges for my liking.
クロード: わかってるわかってる。それも、今日限りだよ。
Claude: I know, I know. But... that ends today.
ディミトリ: どういう意味だ?
Dimitri: What do you mean?
クロード: ほら、こいつをやる。あんたらのために役立ててくれ。
Claude: Here, take this. Use it however you see fit.
ディミトリ: これは“フェイルノート”……。リーガン家の英雄の遺産、だよな。
……いや、おい、待てクロード。冗談だろう? これを手放すというのは……
Dimitri: The legendary bow, Failnaught... Isn't this the hero's relic of house Riegan?
Hold, Claude. This must be one of your jokes. You cannot truly intend to part with this...
クロード: 冗談なんかじゃあない。今日でレスター諸侯同盟は解散する。
Claude: It's not a joke. As of today, the Leicester alliance is no more.
ディミトリ: 解散……?クロード、お前どういうつもりだ?
Dimitri: Just what are you planning, Claude?
クロード: お前らがフォドラを導くってんなら、同盟諸侯はその下につくんだよ。
Claude: If you're going to lead Fódlan, then the alliance Lords will follow you.
Back in the day, the Alliance split off from the kingdom. I'm just putting us back together again.
Oh, and I've already gained the support of the other Lords at the roundtable conference, so you can stop looking at me like I'm crazy.
All that's left for me is to officially step down as the leader of the Alliance.
Choice 1: What will you do now?
Choice 2: Will you join our army?
クロード: 俺は、フォドラを出るよ。やらなきゃならないことがあるんでね。
Claude: I'm leaving Fódlan. There are things I have to do. Dreams I need to see to fruition.
That's why I became the Alliance leader to begin with, actually. But it left me no time for what I was really after.
You'd better not take on too many responsibilities yourselves, or else you'll end up in the same boat.
And remember... both the living and the dead cling to us without any regard for our own lives.
It's up to us to break free of that weight and follow the path that we believe in.
ディミトリ: クロード……。
Dimitri: Claude...
クロード: ……おっと!肝心なことを一つ、言い忘れてた。
Claude: Oops! I almost forgot the most important thing.
If you're looking for Rhea, apparently she's being held captive in the imperial capital.
It doesn't sound like they intend to kill her, but there's no telling what they're planning.
ディミトリ: ……礼を言うよ、クロード。
Dimitri: You have my gratitude, Claude.
クロード: なに、これで貸し借りなしさ。
Claude: Gratitude? Thanks but no thanks. As far as I'm concerned, we're even now.
I don't know how many years will pass until then, but let's promise to meet again. And when we do... don't be too hard on me, your kingliness.
princeness の king ver.